In addition to working as a Computer Forensic Examiner in the fight against crime, Frederick “Fritz” Kleeh serves as an adjunct faculty member within
the Computer Information Technology (CMIT) and the Criminology/Criminal Justice (CCJS) departments of the University of
Maryland University College.
Mr. Kleeh has a Master of Science degree in Information
Assurance with an emphasis in Digital Forensics and has been certified by the
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (ISFCE) as a Certified
Computer Examiner (CCE) and by the International Association of
Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) as a Certified Forensic Computer
Examiner (CFCE).
Previously, Mr. Kleeh served in the United States Marine Corps providing Signals and
Digital Network Intelligence to the ground commanders during two deployments to
Iraq. During his time in the Corps,
Mr. Kleeh received training in areas such as networking; wireless, systems, and
network administration; ethical hacking; and computer forensics.